
Beth Friends #6

1014-hcThis piece, by the wonderful Beth Jorgensen, really got our imagination going! We didn’t try an exact replica, but we raised the tripod as high as it would go, and scrambled underneath it as best as we could! It is a lovely idea by a lovely woman, and we are thankful, once again, for the inspiration! ~H+C


8 thoughts on “Beth Friends #6

  1. Britt

    Hopefully this comes across the way it’s intended and not offensively. I love how real this looks. I see curves and body and it is just glorious. I just love it.

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, Britt, you will ALWAYS have the benefit of the doubt with us! And we happily accept your compliments in exactly the way you intended! 🙂

      1. Theresa

        I deactivated. I had been thinking of it for a while; it was time. I’m glad you folks are still here.

        1. H and C Post author

          Yes, we’re familiar with that feeling (though we stayed on Tumblr LONG past when we should have left.) We’re glad you’re still with us, and that you will stay in touch! ~H+C

    1. H and C Post author

      It’s wonderful, and one of the greatest gifts we have realized during the exploration of our own medium! 🙂

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