We do understand that long-time followers may be growing weary of seeing photos of us in this position. However, you will likely see many more, as this is Camille’s preferred location, and I think she looks fantastic, from my point of view. ~H
We do understand that long-time followers may be growing weary of seeing photos of us in this position. However, you will likely see many more, as this is Camille’s preferred location, and I think she looks fantastic, from my point of view. ~H
I have to agree with Camille on this one…and Troy never minds when I take my seat
No, we don’t imagine he would be! We are sure you strike quite a pose!
I don’t think anyone will ever get tired of this view. So beautiful!
Thank you, dear! We try not to repeat too many poses, but we know this one comes up a lot.
No, it is we who have the best seat in the house—watching you
Oh, I meant the best seat in OUR house.
Or a hotel, or outdoors…Pretty much wherever my perch happens to be at the time… ~C
I also agree with Camille….
See? My girls know the story!
Very nice. I’m asking this question as a guy with a girlfriend. From the woman’s standpoint, does this position work well only if the guy is well-endowed? I’ll be honest (and embarrassed) I’m on the short side (less than 3 inches erect) and she has to grind rather than thrust for me to stay in unless I wear an extender.
Thank you for the comment, though I’m afraid I can’t be much help with your question. I never had much experience in this position, before Holden, and we have been exclusive for 12 years.