
After the Party


0211b-hcThe dinner party had been a flirtatious affair, and sexually charged. Their hosts were careful to invite only committed, happy couples, and conversations became increasingly suggestive with the second round of cocktails.

As always, she allowed him to be their dominant voice, trusting that he would be charming and engaging without venturing into vulgarity, and that he would hint only at deviant pleasures in which she would be willing to participate.

Once home, she wanted to offer him a tangible expression of gratitude for his leadership. Her dress fell to the floor, providing just the right amount of cushion for her knees.


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16 thoughts on “After the Party

  1. fridayam

    Your beautifully written narrative only makes the eroticism of these wonderful erotic images more piquant 🙂 x

    p.s. I will be posting “…..After” later this evening. I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoy your beautiful work x

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! We just got a chance to read your post and the detail conveyed by the words is wonderful, as always. You give your readers a chance to fill in the intervening details in their own imaginations, and that is quite a gift! 🙂

  2. fridayam

    I am pleased you liked it, and isn’t that what erotica is? Letting the reader/watcher fill in the gaps themselves?

    I have a problem with my eye and may need surgery tomorrow, so if you don’t hear from me for a while, that is why 😉 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, no! We are so sorry to hear about your eye, and we hope the problem is corrected soon! 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      We took as much care with the caption as we did with the photo, so we are glad you noticed! ~C

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