I adore the detail on these marvelous little hip-huggers! (Though we should have taken another photo from even closer…)
Y’all have been quiet over the past several days, comments-wise. We hope it’s due to an overwhelming amount of happy activities in your lives, and not something negative. ~C
Those are very lovely panties! So pretty and just enough see through! ;0)
I’ve been going to pictures posted earlier in the week and moving forward playing catch up! I’ve gotten behind…I’m going to blame my real life, lol!
On to the others now!
Thank you, Clara! Always happy to hear your thoughts, whenever you’re able to share them!
A stunning picture of a pair of very sexy panties on a very sexy woman.
Thanks very kindly!
Lovely panties, beautiful photo!
Thank you, darling! ~C
Hi guys. This image is just what the doctor ordered for a Monday morning. *deep breath*
Glad we could help, Dave! Though we hope the image didn’t cause you any trouble on the train, this time…
Those are adorable.
Thanks, Paul! If it had only come with a matching bra, though.
Hug Her more like
Beautiful detail on the dentelle, beautiful detail within x
Hug Her? Exactly! Couldn’t agree more!
Really, there isn’t a matching bra? That’s outrageous!…
Well, there may be a matching bra for these panties, but I couldn’t find one in the studio. ~C