
Writers and Readers


A quick check of the national weather map reveals that the vast majority of the U.S. is in for a far less hazardous weekend than last. Still, with the arrival of cool autumn weather comes another reason to stay indoors and indulge in the unique satisfaction of reading.

It is in this spirit that we would like to encourage you to visit a few pages:

Active readers of this site have no doubt seen the clever and thoughtful comments on our posts from “fridayam.” But have you taken the time to visit his blogs? If not, you are truly missing out on a poetic pleasure! His primary blog is here, and the home of his adult-themed posts (upon which we have been proud to be featured) is here. You are guaranteed to find something to love!


Clara Erving is destined to become a household name, one of these days, and wouldn’t you like to say that you knew her before her first New York Times bestseller was published? Please take a visit to her site and explore her beautiful and evocative stories. We love that she posts regularly and often — and that our own posts are frequently shared — and that her work is so deeply personal.


Happy Friday, friends!


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15 thoughts on “Writers and Readers

  1. Clara Erving

    Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! (I’m not so sure about being a household name, but it is sweet of yall to say!) You two have amazing photos, so it’s easy to want to share them!
    I hope yall have a great weekend planned!

    1. H and C Post author

      So happy you enjoyed our commentary! We have every expectation that you will make a name for yourself, and soon! Many thanks for your continued support. 🙂

  2. fridayam

    Oh what a lovely surprise at the end of a long day–to see Camille’s eyes at last, and gorgeous, naughty eyes 🙂

    AND to find such a kind and generous mention of my poetry blogs—that is really so good of you. Bless you, and have a wonderful weekend 🙂 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Our feature of your work was long overdue, and we were happy to do it! I must correct you, though — The eyes in the picture, while certainly gorgeous and naughty, belong to Clara Erving, not to me. Her masthead was too lovely not to share. 🙂 ~C

      1. fridayam

        I only realised this when I went to her blog and after my comment! To say I was red would be to embarrass a tomato 😉 Apologies to you both, Camille and Clara!

        1. H and C Post author

          No need to apologize — We just wanted to give credit to the owner of those amazing eyes! 😉

  3. Clara Erving

    Y’all are funny and kind (I asked my husband and he agreed – naughty and mischievous). ;o)
    I guess this might explain why when my friends do quizzes on Facebook that I keep getting – evil twin, Bad influence, devil, etc.

    1. H and C Post author

      These are very intriguing traits, and we definitely look forward to exploring them for ourselves, someday!

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