
Art (?) Gallery



We posted different versions of these photos in July ’14, to a chorus of yawns and the occasional chirping cricket. But we love the concept — if not the execution — and wanted to re-visit it once more with a different crop and edit.

Hope y’all have enjoyed your weekends! We are back together again, under the same roof, so everything is right with the world.

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16 thoughts on “Art (?) Gallery

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks! We made the mistake of shooting these in different locations, so they aren’t quite consistent. Mine was done in natural light, so it stands to reason that it would be more flattering. 🙂 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      They do, indeed! If we only lived alone… 😉 Very happy to hear from you, love. Please reach out, if you’d like. We aren’t going anywhere.

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