A re-crop and re-edit from August ’14, since I made such a mess of the originally posted photo. This version makes far better use of the light source, I think. ~H
[Side note: “Topless Vaping” is a legitimate Google Image search.]
A re-crop and re-edit from August ’14, since I made such a mess of the originally posted photo. This version makes far better use of the light source, I think. ~H
[Side note: “Topless Vaping” is a legitimate Google Image search.]
I love how perfectly your nipples are framed in this profile.
Thanks! This is a perfect example of why we “shoot large.” We never know until we take a good look at the finished product if there is some particular feature in a photo that should be highlighted. So we shoot big photos from distance, most of the time, and crop accordingly.
Oh this is so gorgeous! It feels like a still from some French New Wave film–J’adore cette image