Our hotel room balcony overlooked a very busy landing strip, and there was something very peaceful about watching the planes take off and land. It was fun to imagine where they were going, or from where they were arriving, and picturing the reunions with loved ones that were taking place at baggage claim. Of course, this did nothing to quell our increasing desire to travel, but we will have to be satisfied with shorter treks, for now.
Runway Model
- Penny-Wise
- The Curse
Nice tits. Lol!
LOL! It takes two to know two!
That almost made me spit my coffee out. Lol
lol. It goes without saying that Camille has “great tits” but sometimes it just has to be said, I guess.
I’m as much to blame as anyone!
Agreed! Sometimes there’s an understated elegance in simplicity.
Well said, thank you!
I enjoy hearing it!
I do enjoy being complimented for my wit and writing skill on occasion, as well.
Now that’s a greeting any sore-eyed traveller would love
Did Air-Traffic Control tell the pilot to home in on the “nice tits on the balcony”?
Btw, I hope you will still be travelling soon. I might be going to Africa to work for a short while
Africa? How wonderful for you! It’s not even in our fantasy travel plans, but it could be such a wonderful trip!
p.s. Didn’t the smell of kerosene get a little strong? x
We were far enough away that the jet fuel wasn’t an issue. But close enough to see a lot of details!
I find myself wondering if the passengers on board those planes could see anything… if you could see details! What a titillating welcome to a new town!
We wondered that, too, but were a little more worried about viewers behind us — The balconies are tiered, so that upper floors can see a bit of the balconies below them. Good thing our room was near the top!
Well whether the travelers or your fellow hotel guests, I think they’d all be thrilled to be greeted by such a beautiful sight!
I didn’t think twice about dropping my top, but when I went out there in the daylight the next day, I realized how many people could have seen me!