
On my Knees


Having a full length mirror in the hotel room was absolutely essential for getting properly dolled-up in our outfits for the reunion. It came in very handy for the after-party, as well. Happy Friday!

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8 thoughts on “On my Knees

    1. H and C Post author

      It was after (our dress clothes are piled in a heap, just out of frame.) In spite of how handsome we looked, we couldn’t seem to find anyone willing to follow us upstairs… 😉

      1. Julie Martineau

        Ah now that’s too bad!! Good grief obviously those people didn’t know what they were missing!! And I agree with Fridayam’s opinion. 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      We can’t decide if we are too obvious or not obvious enough! It’s a troubling dilemma. 😉

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