Just a couple more left to share, from the hotel pictures we shot on October 24th, before we start a new series of pictures that were taken over this past weekend. Busy but fruitful times for our travels with the camera, and we are certain that we have some upcoming photos that will appeal to those who prefer our couple shots.
Hope you all enjoyed a fun and festive weekend!
“Just me, and my shadow….”
It helps to imagine the sound of tap shoes, doesn’t it?
It’s bonus Monday! We get two images of Camille, one in black and white and one in living color.
Careful of that shadow, though! She’s a sneaky one.
What a gorgeous image! One to stir the imagination
Oooooo, I do love to stir things up! ~C
As Tolstoy said, “All the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow… and Camille’s figure.” Okay, well he would have if he had seen this picture.
Ah, Tolstoy. Author of one of our favorite masterpieces, “War, What is it Good For?”
“You talking to *me*??”
What fun! Camille’s shadow is just as beautiful as the original version. ;0)
We almost posted a version that was better of me, but cut off my shadow’s butt. I didn’t think that was fair.