I’m almost ready!
Like a lot of men, Holden has a certain fascination for the deeply personal and detailed process that every woman has, when getting ready to go out. Should we ever find a local woman who is willing to pose with me, he has some great ideas for shots like this one, with two women sharing a space together in various states of undress. He shot this before I knew what he was doing, which explains the asymmetrical panties. But he said that little detail is probably his favorite thing about the picture.
Too bad I’m nowhere near your location, I’d be happy to share that space with you.
That picture is a nice catch Holden!
Yes, too bad you are so far away! I’m sure we could do our part to flood this site with inbound clicks!
I too love watching those moments of intense preparation and concentration, and have done since I was a young boy growing up with three older sisters
Delicious image x
We women are a regimented bunch, aren’t we, when it comes to getting dolled up? Everything in the proper order, with our tools and tricks laid out within arms’ reach.