
Friday Opinion Poll


Mid-sex hair pulling: Hot or not? Would love to hear from the ladies, especially you silent types who subscribe to us but never leave a comment…

Happy Friday, friends!

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34 thoughts on “Friday Opinion Poll

  1. Julie

    Super hot!! I love feeling a hand grabbing my hair just under my head, especially if the man is behind me…

  2. S&S

    Whoa. Very very hot! Our creative imaginative minds really have some good ideas with this image 😉 Thanks for sharing & have a good weekend.

  3. Deb

    Definitely HOT – lets me know how much in the moment my man is -controlled loss of control…male sense?

  4. Theresa

    I’ve never had my hair pulled, neither when long nor when short, but I’m perhaps a lot less experienced than most. I do love to have his hand on my head or in my hair, though. I’ve wondered about the neck, too – once he lightly put his hand there and it sent a jolt through me.

    1. H and C Post author

      The front or back of your neck? Both have wonderful jolts for me, too, but I especially like the back. When I’m on top and he wraps his hand around the back of my neck, it’s like he instantly takes control of the action… 😉 ~C

      1. Theresa

        It was the front of my neck. I love the idea of having the back of my neck grasped but I’m not sure it’ll ever happen. I want to be desired, dammit.

  5. fridayam

    Well it certainly looks so hot! Delicious photo of the two of you 🙂 I have to say though, my wife hated it 😉

    p.s. sorry for absence, but social events and then worries over friends and family in Paris have predominated. x

    1. H and C Post author

      All our best wishes to your family and friends in Paris! We wish we could say that the world leaders (if any) in the West had what it takes to deal with the imminent threat, but we have our doubts. It’s up to us, now.

        1. H and C Post author

          How incredibly frightening that must have been! So happy to know that your loved ones are well. 🙂

  6. Paul

    I’ve been quiet lately, but still around. I love the hair pull. I know I’m a guy, but it is so sexy.

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