Every good fisherman knows to keep at least one quality float in his tackle box.
[From an August 2014 trip to the lake house, and originally published in black and white. (This will be a recurring theme for the throwback photos we will be posting for the next few days.) Poor Holden didn’t realize how attractive his testicles would be to the small minnows that roam the shallow waters, so we had to shoot this quickly! ~C]
Zoinks! http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/06/27/pacu-caught-nj-sparks-testicle-eating-fish-legend/29399573/
Ay, caramba! We could have gone the rest of our lives without reading that!
Wish there was a “like” option!
We understand, but comments, to us, are SO MUCH more personal!
Nice rod
He can definitely reel ’em in!
Quality assets to be sure! And, well, making me wish I could’ve Transfigured into a minnow and have a nibble.
Why settle for just a nibble?
Oh lord, that made me laugh
And the comments have a high titter-factor too
Yes, lots of clever commentary!
Sorry to be so late in replying — We were surprised to learn that the location for our long weekend away didn’t have WiFi!
Oh Forsooth and ForShame! In this day and age! I hope you will sue the lessors for infringement of your basic human right to chitchat with people on other continents or order a pizza from the nearest Domino’s and track its progress!
Right?! It’s a good thing Holden had the idea to go ahead and queue up a few posts, so that our readers wouldn’t feel slighted if we missed a 7:30pm Eastern time post!
Do you think the minnows were just trying to protect their ‘turf’ by attacked Holden?
It’s possible! Or maybe he just looked like food…?
Again, I’ve been in plenty of lakes and I’ve never sighted this…
We can pretty much count on one sighting per summer, lately.
Water and nakedness is sooooo sexy
Agreed! Looking forward to our next opportunity to have some alone time at the lake house…
Damn, that’s a cool photo… I ‘m trying it.
lol, yes, please do give it a try! I had a great time shooting this one. ~C