


One never knows what sort of wickedness might be happening, just beneath the surface!

To see who else is revealing their naughty nature this week, please click the saucy lips below…

Sinful Sunday

46 thoughts on “Underhanded

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks! We had been talking about the idea for a while, and figured the lake house was as good a setting as any. 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      A late lunch, I believe. Had to wait until the sunlight made its way to the back porch. 😉 ~C

  1. Jo

    This is probably the wrong word to use, but the first thing out of my mouth when I saw this was, “Aw – that’s so cute!” It reminds me of furtively touching my boyfriend in high school whenever we got the chance – under tables, on the bus, under blankets, etc.

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, excellent! That’s exactly the kind of memories we were hoping to scare up! 🙂 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Many thanks, lovely! Above the table, both of us were giggling at the scenario! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, I agree about his thighs! Holy hell, they’re big and strong. Thank you for the kind words! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, how lovely of you to say! It’s tough to be “all business” about our photography when it’s so damned fun to do! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much, Molly! We told you last week that there would be something much more naughty to come! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      We share LOTS of secrets! Very happy to have a few readers who stick around for them… 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      LOL…He’ll be happy to hear the compliment! He’s most certainly an athlete, and I relish every chance I have to curl up between those legs! ~C

  2. fridayam

    I love that Jo and other commenters have reminisced about adolescent fumblings because that is exactly what this brings to mind 😉 Gorgeous image x

      1. fridayam

        Put up a new poem, which I hope you like and I also hope Audrey doesn’t mind me using her and your image. I’ve been thinking on it for a while, but couldn’t find the right words x

        1. H and C Post author

          Oh, I’m sure she will be as flattered as I always am! Will check it out and reply on your blog shortly… ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you kindly! There is almost always a full story surrounding our pictures, though very few write them (including us, honestly.) ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Agreed! You’re never too old, or married too long, to practice good manners! 🙂 ~C

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