It’s the first weekend of the month, which means that Molly has chosen a photo prompt for us all. This time, it’s “Weekends are for…”
Given the ungodly hour at which Holden and I awaken on weekdays, the most correct answer to the prompt is “sleeping in.” But since a mess of disheveled hair and drool on the pillow do not make for photogenic subjects — even if one sleeps naked — we went with a plan B. Now that my youngest has left the nest, my weekends are for long, decadent milk baths, sometimes with rose petals and aromatherapy candles.
To see inside the best-laid weekend plans of other sexy folks, please click the lips!
I just got all warm and cozy feeling. These are perfection.
The hearts are a sweet touch.
(I’m going to throw out there that disheveled hair and pillow drool can be just as hot and sexy though…)
lol, thank you, darling! We were both so happy with these shots, and every detail turned out the way we planned! ~C
Well your composition never fails to impress. xoxo
Kisses to you! ~C
That looks like a luxurious bath. No wonder you always come across as enjoying the sensual side of life.
Well, I wish we could say that our lives are exactly as immersed in the pursuit of the sensual as we show on this site!
Looks like the perfect form of relaxaion.
Thank you! It is blissful, even in brief increments. ~C
Looks like a wonderful, sensual weekend tradition. Glad you’re able to indulge.
Oh, thank you! For me, this is definitely the best benefit of our empty nest.
Your body looks golden Camille–milk suits you
Wonderful photos x
It’s an odd mix of tones, shooting in that bathroom during the daytime. We aren’t quite used to it, yet! ~C
Holden seems to handle the light rather well
We have disagreements — He credits his model, I credit my photographer…
I love your style! What a great way to take a bath. It must be so relaxing!
Rebel xox
Oh, it is heavenly, and I definitely recommend it!
Just stunningly beautiful . . . so relaxing and yet sensual at the same time!!!
Xxx – K
You are too kind, darling! But, yes, very very relaxing! ~C
Your body looks so beautiful! Such a gorgeously serene image.
Aurora x
So sweet of you, Aurora! My photographer treats me well! ~C
Wow!!! Absolutley fantastic images!!! I love them xx
Much appreciated! Thanks! ~C
Oh that looks utterly blissful
It certainly was! Thought not as blissful as YOUR weekend… ~C
A gorgeous image, beautiful relaxation
It was, indeed, some beautiful relaxation! I need a case or two of that bath balm.
Oh wow *speechless*
How very kind of you, dear! We are both so happy with these shots.
Lovely photos.
Holden did a great job with the idea! And the light was super flattering. ~C