
Sizzling Aurora

Happy Friday, ladies and gentlemen! We are very pleased to pass along Aurora’s greetings from the balmy Southern Hemisphere! Her email, with this photo attached, was titled “If you go down to the woods today…” and we were delighted by daydreams of wandering about in the forest and stumbling upon such beauty, bathed in sunlight and accented by shadows. She passes along wishes to her fans that we all try to stay warm, and something tells us that this divine submission will help, a lot! ~C

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8 thoughts on “Sizzling Aurora

  1. Marc

    Good Friday morning,

    Thank you Aurora for sharing your photo.

    The caption sums up where many of would like to be and experience.

    Enjoy your stay and please continue to share your photos.

    Happy Friday.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you very much, Marc! With another cold front due to hit much of the U.S. this weekend, Aurora’s photo arrived at the perfect time! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Just marvelous, I agree! Makes me long for warm weather, so H and I can take our camera outdoors again! 😉 ~C

  2. Ken

    Certainly warmed us up here in “frigid” south TX (39°). Thanks to you and, especially Aurora, for sharing! Stay warm!!

    1. H and C Post author

      We understand — Our low temperatures are nothing compared to the insane conditions in the northeast and midwest, but we appreciate this contribution just the same! 🙂 ~C

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