

Well, guys, we have some good news, some bad news, and some better news. The good news is that we had both the time and the motivation to shoot a few new photos yesterday, even though we did not finish examining them in time to select one or two for publishing this evening. (The above is from August of 2017, in a hotel room in Lexington, KY.) The bad news is that we have invited another family member who is in a difficult transitional phase to stay with us for a couple of months until things get sorted out for him. Some of you will recall that the last time we did this, four years ago, it played hell with our ability to conduct fresh photo sessions. There will likely be more archive-diving in our future. The better news, however, is that we will be taking a vacation next month, which we hope will result in more opportunities to shoot in a different place. So, you know, yin and yang and all that jazz… ~C

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8 thoughts on “Balance

  1. Marc

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Super photo.

    Sorry to hear about your family. Hopefully things will be settled soon for all.

    I have yet to see a bad photo from the archives.

    1. H and C Post author

      That’s very kind of you, Marc, and we hope that family dramas are settled sooner rather than later, as well. We’ll be choosy with the archives, as usual, but we hope the brand new ones are received well, also! 😉 ~C

  2. Kerri

    Wish we were vacationing too. We’ll miss new photo sessions, but it’s good you’ll be able to help someone on need.

    1. H and C Post author

      This vacation will be different for us — We are going somewhere that neither of us has ever been, and we have pre-planned very little. But it’s a milestone occasion, so we will relax and play it by ear. 🙂 Hope you like the new stuff! 🙂 ~C

  3. fridayam

    Nevertheless, this is a gorgeous photo! I hope the family issues resolve themselves and you have a great vacation–God knows I need one too 😉 x

    1. H and C Post author

      We hope things get resolved soon, too, thank you. But the issues will have to deal with themselves while we’re away, as we full intend to cleanse our minds of troubles during the trip! 🙂 ~C

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