Happy weekend, y’all! Here’s another outtake from the same cabin as last week’s post. Publishing color photos from there was a challenge, since the entire place had light pine walls and floors, and every image we shot had a weird orange tint to it. So we had to get creative with filters and exposure/contrast adjustments. But I really like my pose here, as I waited for Holden to set up the tripod for some of the XXX pictures we had in mind. ~C
lovely photo
Thank you very much!
“Oh Rose-Red tittie, half as old as time”….hang on, have I got that quote right?
The colours lend themselves to the mood and are lovely
I’m not familiar with that one and, for once, Google was no help.
But I’m glad you liked the photo! ~C
“Match me such marvel save in Eastern clime,
A rose-red city half as old as Time.” John Burgon 1845
Oh, lovely! Thank you for that.
Thank you!
The colors make everything look warm and inviting, and a certain lovely lady completes the feeling.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Kerri! I thought you might like the pose.