To be sure, there is nothing quite as scary as holding a pivotal election cycle during a pandemic. However, the scathing review we wrote for the faulty Realistic Human Brain Gelatin Mold was also pretty frightening! Side note: Does this arterial spray make my boobs look lopsided?
Happy Halloween, y’all! ~C
[Outtake from a fun Halloween shoot in October of ’18.]
Beautiful and raises my desire
Good lunch !
Could’ve used a little salt…
Your creativity for composing these shots is amazing!
That’s very kind of you! Thanks! ~C
Super photo.
Should we ask what was for dessert?
Happy Halloween!
Thank you! Dessert was postponed — When that fake blood starts to dry, it gets REALLY itchy! I was off to the shower right after these were taken.
Suddenly I’m hungry for some reason, but I think it has nothing to do with what’s on the plate
I just knew you had a twisted sense of sexy, and I like it!