
Looking for Birdies

Many years ago, Holden gave me for Christmas a cylindrical bird feeder and an illustrated book of local wild bird species, and I can’t begin to count how much time I’ve spent peering out the kitchen window to watch our visitors come and go. Naturally, of course, none of them graced us with so much as a fly-by while he shot these photos, despite our thorough preparations. It always makes me giggle that the larger birds — robins and cardinals, mostly — freak the fuck out if anyone is standing at the sink when they come to perch, but the tiny finches and sparrows settle in without the slightest care about the human on the other side of the glass. Maybe y’all can use your imagination to place a couple of birds in these shots for us! ~C

Holden climbed to the top of the grandstand to capture this photo of the 12th green, on the other side of Rae’s Creek. It’s a dastardly hole, where the wind swirls unpredictably and plays hell with balls in the air. But it’s definitely something to see, in person.

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8 thoughts on “Looking for Birdies

  1. Modesty Ablaze

    I’m not a golf loving person … though I do enjoy hitting balls!!! … but I always love your stylish greyscale photos.
    Beautifully posed and composed … as always!!!
    Xxx – K

    1. H and C Post author

      LOL, how clever! Yes, you are quite the ball-striker, as we have seen in your photos! Thank you for your kind words, as always! 🙂 ~C

  2. kram1224

    Super photo. Birds are selective about their food and I guess they are giving your feeder a fly by.

    Thanks Holden for your work in the kitchen and the Masters.

    1. H and C Post author

      Well, we usually get steady traffic at the feeder during the day, but we just had some bad luck on this occasion. We’ll try again. 🙂 ~C

    2. kram1224

      Perhaps they are taken back by what they see on this side of the glass.

      I guess you are lucky that they don’t fly into the window or house. Ouch!

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