

So there I was, nude in the open window, just waiting for a suitor to come calling so I could let down my hair and pull him or her up. But alas, no visitors arrived. Not even a stray hummingbird fly-by in search of the usual feeder. Wouldn’t that have made me feel like a real Disney princess? Anyway, we saved these two shots to close out the April session’s images, and we hope you’ll agree that we saved the best for last!

In other news, we had a wonderful time in Texas with the grandsons, but we miss them already. They grow up so fast! ~C

The handsome young man in the photo below is Norwegian star Viktor Hovland, winner of the 2023 Tour Championship (which we also attended.) It’s too bad we weren’t shooting video here, because we had a great view of this tee shot, which would find the bottom of the cup for an ace!

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6 thoughts on “Rapunzel

    1. kram1224

      Sorry a suitable suitor didn’t stroll by for you to review.

      Both are very sexy photos and wow , just wow all the way down to your nails.

      Glad you were able to see your family in Texas.

      Enjoying your review and comments about the Masters.

      1. H and C Post author

        Thank you for noticing my nails — I had them done the day before, specifically for the shoot. 😉 We only wish our Texas trip had lasted longer, but we’ll have more to say on that subject soon… ~C

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