
Bubbling Over

What would a nighttime photo session be without some wine, candlelight, and a bubble bath? Fortunately for me, Holden didn’t allow me to find out! I know I look a bit uncomfortable here, but these were the first of the tub shots and I was still in posin’ mode rather than relaxin’ mode. But since these were also the final shots on his sexy list, I definitely took the opportunity to prolong the decadence. Had I known what else he had in mind for me, after drying off and putting away the camera, I would have drained the water a lot sooner!

Next weekend’s photos will be accompanied by A Major Announcement, so please be sure to peep the caption. That’ll give me another week to get my favorite local author to help me with the wording… ~C

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6 thoughts on “Bubbling Over

  1. Modesty Ablaze@gmail.com

    Oh so beautiful photos … and I have to tell you that you’ve got Hubby almost “bubbling over” too !!!
    And we’re both looking forward to hearing more of what happened if the water had drained away … and of course about your Major Announcement !!!
    Xxx – K

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you so much! Holden hadn’t been feeling very well, before the photo session, so I was pleasantly surprised to find candles and lube and…him, all ready for action when I got out of the tub! 🙂 More to come… ~C

  2. kram1224

    As always, super photos of you and Holden, you know how to set up the stage. Bubbles, candles, and something to drink.

    Looking forward to hearing about your big news.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you for recognizing H’s efforts! I’d never be able to pose with such confidence if he wasn’t as thorough at taking care of me. 🙂 ~C

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