Hey, look, everyone! Holden is in these photos! He did such a good job of setting this scene and getting the tripod lined up correctly, and that triple-wick candle gave off even more light than we needed to get the shots. The top photo is exactly what he was looking for, based on a couple of different images he’d found online. The second one, however, is a direct result of the time we’d put into the poses: I can only take so much soft kissing and boob play before I get all giggly and fidgety, pulling my foot up onto the seat of the chair and abandoning all efforts to hide the camera remote (see my left hand.) But by golly, we did get one perfect shot to share!
Hope y’all are having a lovely weekend, and that it doesn’t involve quite as much time spent on ladders as ours does! ~C
Great to see Holden and thank you both for your hard work.
Super images and sorry my eyes don’t focus on or see the remote for the camera.
Thank you! I need to be paying better attention to his shot lists ahead of time, and ask why he couldn’t be in some of these photos!