
Off White

Hello, dear readers! The pretty young model in the example photo Holden showed me was wearing a sexy little bra, so I tried that combination for the top photo in this week’s pairing. But I also like the look of a long necklace arranged to dangle down my bare back, so we shot a few of those, too. It seemed an easy choice to select the best of both for the post.

Only one major development in home-improvement news this week, but it was long overdue. We had one of those “Got Junk?” companies out to the house on Friday morning, and absolutely loaded up their truck with assorted crapola that has accumulated over the years. We have a number of extra items that we’ll be looking to sell, of course, but nothing taken away this week would’ve had any value. But we now have lots of extra room on the back deck, in the garage, and in the bonus room/basement, as well. Definitely worth the money.

And a quick announcement for the handful of you who still comment from time to time: We’ve been targeted by a group (?) of spammers who use obviously phony replies on blog posts to promote their products. So we’ve changed the way comments are handled here, and you may find that yours doesn’t appear right away and is instead held for moderation. If we fixed our settings correctly, you should only have this happen once — When a comment is approved, the person with that email address should once again have the green light to post comments immediately. We promise to keep an eye on this, and adjust settings if necessary. And we’re sorry that a few shitheads with bogus email addresses have forced our hand. ~C

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6 thoughts on “Off White

  1. Voo

    I always found decluttering bitter sweet. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of things. …very sexy photos🔥🔥….those damn shitheads!!

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, we’re going to have a LOT of trouble ahead, when it comes to getting rid of sentimental things. We’re just doing the easy ones first! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! We’re trying to mitigate the dread of massive projects ahead by appreciating whatever small achievements we accomplish along the way. 🙂 ~C

  2. kram1224

    I believe that the word ‘move’ should be a four letter word. When you first move in to a place, normally you have lots of room and you fill-stuff it with one thing at a time. The fit hits the sham when you move out.

    Wow on both photos. Any chance we could see the same pose from the front next week?

    1. H and C Post author

      LOL, yes, we’ve filled it one thing at a time, and those things add up over 16 years! 🙂 We didn’t shoot any frontals in this particular setting, but we are gathering ideas for another session next weekend… ~C

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