

Good evening, everyone! We’re taking a short break from the home improvement photos, for this post and next week’s, just to change things up a bit. (Wouldn’t it be dull to be predictable?) Holden came up with the idea for these shots as we were making up the guest bedroom with some new sheets a few weeks ago, around this same time of day, and he wanted to play with the natural light. His only regret was not saving this setting for last, because my alluring invitation made him want to put the camera away…

I’m sure that many of you are going to be on the road next week, visiting family for the Thanksgiving holiday. We wish you all safe travels and wonderful times with your loved ones! Take care and have fun! ~C

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10 thoughts on “FD / AU

  1. Modesty Ablaze

    Oh goodness … just such a stunningly lovely photo as always!!!

    You do have such a gorgeously beautiful figure! So envious!!!

    And Hubby is now here gasping over my shoulder … and gripping me tightly lol!!! … saying he can understand why Holden had to put down his camera.

    Xxx – K

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you (and Hubby) so very kindly! 🙂 I did get pretty warm, posing this way, and it wasn’t just the sunlight coming through the blinds! ~C

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