
Chapter Ten

Indulge us, if you will, for an episode in creative license. Holden is fond of teasing me about how often I return to one particular chapter in his spicy sequel, when I find myself in need of a quick turbo boost to my libido. The chapter details the first night of naughty playtime involving his protagonist couple and a husband and wife who are relatively new to the story. It’s not until clothing is being shed that our main character lady learns of the new fellow’s… gift. (The phrase “hung like a horse” comes to mind.)

Holden knows full well that this is not the ONLY chapter I seek out, and that it doesn’t ALWAYS end with my hand shoved down my pants as pictured here. I just get a kick out of the humor he injects into the scene, and the on-the-fly adjustments required of his protagonist when discovering such an impressive specimen. And it won’t be last time she displays a nimble mind, which is maybe my favorite thing about her.

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and that you’re home (or nearing home) safely. We once again spent the holiday apart, but I’m back where I belong and I couldn’t be happier about it! ~C

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6 thoughts on “Chapter Ten

  1. Lola

    That is so hot! What book are you reading? I’d LOVE to send you a free copy of Match, Cinder & Spark so you could take a similar photo with my pics in the book. You two could be cumtributing members of The Match Book Club!

  2. kram1224

    Welcome home and I hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving.

    From your description of the book and words chosen by Holden, it’s sounds like the couple is heading off to Chapter Eleven.

    Sounds like one could get a blister or paper cut……

    1. H and C Post author

      Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, as well! Both ourselves and the book couple have lots of adventures ahead… though hopefully without bankruptcies or paper cuts! 🙂 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! It’s funny — Sitting next to him and reading along while he wrote was really sexy, but there’s something even better about holding the finished product and reading it again. 🙂 ~C

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