How kind of dear Aurora, to send along these gorgeous images to help us all withstand the blues of a Monday morning! These photos were taken on the same day…
Read moreAurora’s Shadows

How kind of dear Aurora, to send along these gorgeous images to help us all withstand the blues of a Monday morning! These photos were taken on the same day…
Read moreHappy Friday, ladies and gentlemen! We are very pleased to pass along Aurora’s greetings from the balmy Southern Hemisphere! Her email, with this photo attached, was titled “If you go…
Read moreIt has been our habit to save submitted photos for either a Monday morning or Friday morning publishing time, as either a celebration of the weekend or something to help…
Read moreHappy Friday, friends! The lovely Aurora reports that it’s getting cold in her part of the world, but she’s taking advantage of whatever outdoor time she has left for the…
Read moreHappy Friday, everyone! We are so excited to bring you a special treat — Can you believe that it’s been just over a year since we last posted a submission…
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