Holden hadn’t done too many “waist-down” photos by the time April of last year rolled around, so it was up to me to reassure him. I said, “Hey, it’s a digital camera, so we aren’t wasting film. I’ll put my stockings on, and you put on a shirt and tie, and let’s see what happens.” We were very pleased at how many interpretations this shot inspired. Different people saw different things. ~Camille
What a great photo. Incredibly sexy.
The wedding rings add so much emotion to this.
OMG! This is beautiful <3
And I totally agree with SkinTickler….
Thank you, love! Our rings do tend to stand out in photos, don’t they?
I love everything about this image
We should probably re-visit the idea, since this was taken so long ago, and we’ve gotten a lot better since then
Super photo.
Very sexy
Thanks so much!