Holden refuses to send unsolicited cock pics via email, so if you’d like the (maybe even better?) alternative version of this image submitted to you for your Tumblr, just say the word. ~Camille
Holden refuses to send unsolicited cock pics via email, so if you’d like the (maybe even better?) alternative version of this image submitted to you for your Tumblr, just say the word. ~Camille
Well, of course I do. Although I have no idea how to get it from email to tumblr with link and all that. Lol I should probably just share this one.
Check your inbox
Hope you enjoy it!
I would love to see the better version of lighthouse porn
Well, we have only had one taker, so far, for that photo. But please check out our dear friend Britt’s post here: http://britbrit1103.tumblr.com/post/93258412941
Oh my! Interesting, powerful and arousing. (If you don’t mind me saying so.)
Of course we don’t mind! And thank you kindly.
Only one taker? Well then, let’s make that two!
Thank you, love! You have email…