“Make yourself comfortable,” he said, handing me a glass and setting about the task of making a drink for himself, as well. He found me in the den, sipping his bourbon and celebrating what “getting comfortable” means to me… ~C
“Make yourself comfortable,” he said, handing me a glass and setting about the task of making a drink for himself, as well. He found me in the den, sipping his bourbon and celebrating what “getting comfortable” means to me… ~C
Great black and white! Sexy
Thanks very much! We thought both of these were good shots, so we presented them with a different treatment.
The black and white one here rocks.
Thank you! We are so happy to see the black and white one getting praise.
That is such a cute pose.
Thank you! It was spontaneous — I only wish I could have kept my balance without putting my right hand out
Hmm, I have to be odd one out here and prefer the colour–the fire, the skin tones, the bourbon
Delicious image x
We’re glad you like the color version — We honestly couldn’t decide between the two. ~C
They’re both sexy, buy I also have to give the edge to the color option. As for the right arm out, it’s more of you for us to see!
I’m glad my inability to keep my balance doesn’t take anything away from the image!
(This was my first drink of the evening, I promise.) ~C
Incredibley classy and sexy!