There are around 850 posts on this website that contain pictures of me, spanning nearly four years of photography. We both agree that this is the best photo ever taken of my bottom. ~C
There are around 850 posts on this website that contain pictures of me, spanning nearly four years of photography. We both agree that this is the best photo ever taken of my bottom. ~C
I agree. This is wonderful.
Thank you! It was definitely worth re-visiting with a gentler edit than before.
And your back, breast, thigh, knee…..;) x
That gave me a huge smile, thanks very much! ~C
Gosh, guys, I have to disagree! There’s more than ONE superlative in there… the legs, the general composition… nailed it.
Thank you very kindly! We agree that there is a lot to enjoy in this photo! Camille’s behind is the best of it, though, for us.
Definitely the top of the bottom shots.
Thanks very much! We are thinking of posting this photo monthly, for self-esteem purposes.
Like you could ever take a bad photo. I happen to know, definitively, how gorgeous you are.
Now THAT was just about the sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time! Thank you!