I love so many aspects of this picture. The lighting, the shadows, the sensuality of it all. But the subjects are by far the best part of the picture. So gorgeous, Camille!
H and C Post author
Thank you so much, darling! It’s amazing how much effect can be gained from placing a single bright desk lamp in an otherwise dark room. We believe we have posted a dozen shots from this particular session, and we love them all!
I love so many aspects of this picture. The lighting, the shadows, the sensuality of it all. But the subjects are by far the best part of the picture. So gorgeous, Camille!
Thank you so much, darling! It’s amazing how much effect can be gained from placing a single bright desk lamp in an otherwise dark room.
We believe we have posted a dozen shots from this particular session, and we love them all!
Kerri is so right, and isn’t reciprocation such fun?
It is the best! And what’s more, to have a partner who enjoys giving as much as receiving
Very Nice! Dig the shadows. Photos like these, are nearly identical to my wife’s nipples/breasts. Wish I could share
Thank you very kindly! And we wish you could share, too!
So much to lust after! All the hand action, the handful of hair, that beautiful body….
I’m not sure, now that I look closely, how we were able to conceal the camera remote, with all that going on! It’s all a blur.