
Camera Porn*


0713a-hc*With apologies to Westley & Buttercup, who coined the phrase.

The library at our friend’s place features quite the collection of vintage cameras, and we worked quickly to brainstorm how and where to use some of them as props. We couldn’t come to an agreement, however, on which of these two is the better image, and so we are presenting both. Do weigh in with your thoughts, if you have a strong opinion.


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14 thoughts on “Camera Porn*

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! So glad you were able to focus on the cameras, eventually. They are gorgeous! 🙂

  1. Dave

    Precisely, fridayam. 🙂 My similar thought is that I like the color, single-camera shot, but that opinion is influenced I’m sure by other imagery.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks, Dave! Something about low-angle perspectives makes my…uh…assets stand out! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, dear! And anytime you’d like us to send you something uncensored… 😉

  2. Saucerboy

    Damn. Those cameras, er, take my breath away every time! Simply perfect.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! I like the color one, too. I was having a good boob day, and rocking some fresh tan lines. 😉 ~C

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