
Near and Far


0716b-bothSomething a little different this evening, as we can’t recall ever posting a pair of photos with a long-range view combined with a close-up before. But there were so many beautiful details in both of these that it made sense to share them together this way. The gold mask, in particular, looks great here, and we hope to find the opportunity to use it again. As does the dramatic angled windows and the way they disperse the lighting on Camille’s pose. Hope you like them!


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10 thoughts on “Near and Far

  1. W&B

    Absolutely beautiful use of light guys. (I hate to be a nerd – f/8 or 11, perhaps?) Most significantly, Camille, you are stunning! 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you very kindly! It’s f/3.5, actually, with a contrast tweak in editing in order to remove some of the shadows created by a dimly lit room and the super-bright sunshine outside. The raw photo is quite dark. 🙂

        1. H and C Post author

          Thank you! I’m still learning how to pose. 😉 We love the masks so much that we did some shopping today for new ones, so stay tuned! ~C

        1. H and C Post author

          More like “lucky shooting” — We are not what you would call technically proficient with our equipment. We just keep fiddling and clicking until we get what we want! 😉

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