On my knees, curled up between his powerful thighs, I watched as he took a couple of pictures from his point of view. I alternated between posing for him and pleasuring him, waiting until the familiar click before taking him deep into my mouth again. Content with his captures, he placed the camera on the bed to his side and smiled. It had been a wonderful afternoon of shooting and sex, and he had made certain that I was completely satisfied. I aimed to do the same.
I painted his swollen head with my lipstick, and worked his shaft deliberately in my grip. His muscles tensed as I brought him closer. He closed his eyes and reached again for the camera, but surrendered to his desire, instead. I caressed him, cradled him, coaxed every drop of his passion into my mouth. “Don’t swallow,” he whispered, taking the camera in his right hand and extending his arm toward the window. He guessed at the angle, pointing the lens in our direction. I parted my lips and spilled his come back onto him, letting the thick fluid flow down the length of him and onto my fingers… ~C
Love the description! And the angle. So many good things in this picture!
Thank you, Clara! We always wonder what new followers will think, when we post the occasional hardcore photo, and so we are doubly pleased that you like these!
Not too hardcore at all! It’s lovely.
I agree with another commenter. I do not think my husband would have had the will to say don’t swallow AND grab the camera.
On a side note, I noticed you were following my blog. I was so excited! Unfortunately it was my “fix” blog (long story) and it’s been deleted. I’d love for you to follow me on the real one. It’s finally ready!
Again, your photos are amazing. I’ve got some favorites I need to comment on. ;0)
Thank you, dear! Our sex life without the camera is much more spontaneous, and we lose ourselves quite often.
We think we are following your real blog now, but do let us know if you don’t see us on your list. We will look forward to your posts, as well as your comments on our photos! Feel free to email us, as well, if you’d like. We do try to respond promptly.
As well you should! I feel it’s always best to lose yourself in these matters. It should be the place where your mind is empty of all thoughts except the one (or ones) you’re with. ;o)
Thanks! And my apologies, I’m just getting the hang of this! Thanks so much! Sorry I addressed it here. I should have looked for an email. I didn’t want to seem rude when sites just started disappearing! Thanks again!
That is so erotic – and breathtaking!
So glad you like the photos! Thank you!
Your words are as hot as these pictures. You never cease to amaze. Great job once again.
Much appreciated, Paul! It was almost as fun to write as it was to shoot.
Note to self: reading/viewing the H&C post should NOT be done just before my train stop, as standing up from my seat becomes, ah, problematic.
Oops! Sorry about that.
But thank you for the delightful mental image!
Thank you! You are welcome to take any photos of ours and re-post them to your site or Tumblr. We know you’ll give the proper credit.
So hot… The pictures wouldn’t be as powerful without this very erotic text, I loved how you wrote this Camille
Oh, thanks so much! I didn’t set out to write so much, but it just kept flowing (so to speak.) ~C
i have to admit…for a photo shoot or not….don’t think i could ever say don’t swallow…..i’d just say oh thank you…….nice photos guys
Thank you! It probably took a lot of discipline for him, but he was also quite thankful!
Perfect words to a great image! Really enjoy these types of posts.
Thanks very much!
A beautiful end to a great series. Thank you for your continued wonderfulness
Oh, thank you for the wonderful words!
The story makes this that much hotter.
So glad you liked it!
Beautiful photo. I especially enjoyed your commentary. I have to stop looking at your blog now… something has come up.
We are doing our best to write a bit more. People seem to enjoy the combination of photos and words.
Yes, words. Hot pictures. I love your blog:))
We are still working to improve! ~C
Fabulous Porn!
We don’t go full XXX very often, but when we do…
If it wasn’t for the sexy visual of his delicious looking semen flowing from your lips and onto his sexy body and cock, I’d be crying at the waste of such a heavenly treat! I LOVE how the two of you are together!
Thanks so much! This series was great fun to shoot, and so we’re happy to be forgiven for the dribble.
You both are absolutely beautiful and Paul and I love to read your posts. Your photos are so lovely.
Thanks very much, to both of you! We will keep making them…
Love the context, so messy and masterful!
It was the perfect ending to a long day of shooting (so to speak)! ~C