Getting in a bit of light reading, before tonight’s season finale of True Detective. Hope you all have enjoyed your weekends!
(Oh, and a quick peek behind the curtain: See that bright circle, just to the right of Holden’s head? Camera remote.)
Getting in a bit of light reading, before tonight’s season finale of True Detective. Hope you all have enjoyed your weekends!
(Oh, and a quick peek behind the curtain: See that bright circle, just to the right of Holden’s head? Camera remote.)
Very hot!
Thank you very kindly!
In our house, that used to called a pussy-massage
Gorgeous photo and it made me smile
Love the thought of you smiling!
I do it quite a lot actually
It’s some sort of facial spasm
I’m going to suggest to my husband that I start reading this way, but with him facing up. ;0)
I Love this picture. The ponytail, the necklace draped down your back. I was so distracted by those details and your back that I almost didn’t notice you were reading!
(I also really like your fireplace flanked with bookshelves.) ;0)
Holden rolled over, and I stopped reading, shortly after this picture was taken!
Glad you appreciate the details — We usually have one or two carefully chosen (and often overlooked) additions to every photo.