



We have several more photos from the cabin to post, for the remainder of this week. But chronologically speaking, these were the final two that we shot. We took all of them in one long day and, by nightfall, we’d had just about enough of wardrobe changes, scene-setting and teasing the hell out of each other. So after the shutter clicked on the bottom photo, I reached over and flipped the camera’s off switch, and only one item remained on the agenda… ~C

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10 thoughts on “Semi-Final

  1. Dave

    In-freaking-credible. I felt compelled to study these for some reason. Oh, and the use of black and white here, as well as the soft foreground lighting, is particularly effective. All that said, I second Kerri’s observation.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you kindly! The black and white was a bit of a necessity, since our lighting choices resulted in a pretty drastic orange tint. ๐Ÿ™‚

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