From “Window Series” Finale (August 4, 2015)
Some of you guessed that this one would show up on the countdown, right? It is part of a two-photo set that closed out a series which we began in late July of this year and carried over to August, with the climactic* post easily showing as the most popular. This post, likewise, contained a detailed caption of photo methodology, and we were very excited to see all of the comments!
We crown the 2015 champion tomorrow evening, and we promise that you will not see it coming*! Happy weekend, y’all…
*All orgasm puns totally intended.
I have to say these are some of my favorite shots of the two of you. It must be hard to capture holden at that moment well done.
Difficult to capture, yes, but so worth it!
Thank you!
It looks like your more explicit work is our favorite. Not sure what that says. I love all of it, though your racier stuff is off the charts hot!
You’re exactly right! We weren’t terribly surprised that so many of our hardcore couple shots were among the top ten, but we didn’t anticipate a clean sweep! It’s flattering to know that the photos that take the most time and effort, and that reveal the most passion, are the ones that keep y’all coming back for more!
I would have lead an occupation of some government buildings in Oregon if this hadn’t featured–though some of your fans seem to have beaten me to it
Delicious and a delight as always x
Oh, let’s celebrate that it didn’t come down to civil disobedience!
We are so happy with the choices that were made for us, in terms of the top ten…
Those who think sex becomes stale or routine as we grow more seasoned really should see this… Getting to know another person, their pleasure, their passion, their intimacy, that is definitely one heckuva perk to a long-term relationship. And it lights up your work brighter than the sun.
Thank you! Yes, if there is one thing we mean to convey through our images, it’s that married sex need not be stale or ordinary. We hope we can continue to be an object lesson in support of it!
I think this is my fave from this series. I have to stop looking at these now. Something is calling…
Yes, we get that feeling when looking at these, too! ~C