


At the moment, as this photo is being posted, we are having an introductory “first date” dinner with a new couple we recently met through the swingers’ website. Hopefully, we are discussing photography, and their role in a project that we are obsessed with making a reality. We are further hopeful that we are not currently embarrassing ourselves by, you know, spilling something at the table… 😉 ~C

[Unpublished outtake from a truly remarkable afternoon of photography in July 2015.]

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14 thoughts on “Contemporaneous

  1. GinnyRose

    Beautiful and I’m getting a fun vibe too! The pretty crimson nails, smudgy lipstick and engorged cock are a trio of deliciousness! 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      We got a fun vibe tonight, too, and we hope the new couple is as interested in us as we are in them! This shoot was a ridiculous amount of fun, and we’re glad you enjoyed the post! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      lol, this one might be a little scary, considering it’s about as hardcore as we get. We would like them to wade into the shallow waters, first! 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      Yes! Something about ferocious climaxes at three in the afternoon on a Sunday seem so unique, don’t they? 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      I am in awe of his ability to hold the camera at arm’s length like this, and still have the lens pointed squarely on target. Especially given his level of distraction, at the moment! 😉 ~C

  2. Modesty Ablaze (@ablazingmodesty)

    Oh my God !!! . . . This is so, So, SO . . . arousing!!!
    Just absolutely gorgeous . . . I’m sitting here dripping (and dipping!) . . . and thinking about adventures to come! (Yours . . . and mine).
    I shall be tingling and squirming all day !!!
    Xxx – K

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, thank you, dear! This photo series generated a lot of love and comments last summer, but none quite as enthusiastic as yours! 😉 Very happy to have had such an effect on you, from so far away! ~C

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