
Front Door Lover


We experimented on Sunday with some new silhouette imagery, since it was very bright outside and we hadn’t tried these in a while. (We went to different doors and windows, though, to keep things as fresh as possible.) And yes, I was a little nervous while posing and kept an eye out for roaming neighbors. ~C

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6 thoughts on “Front Door Lover

  1. Sex Is My New Hobby

    Nice silhouette, and you look great! I can imagine you had your eyes peeled 🙂 I do all my photography indoors (so far) but in front of a window that faces onto a fairly busy street. I’ve had a couple of (what felt like) close calls, the last involving a police car that was parked out front! (Luckily no one was in it.)

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! I can certainly empathize with your close calls — We shoot away from home as much as we can, which always leads to risk-taking and narrow escapes. My greatest fear, however, is still the thought of having my adult son come home unscheduled to find the tripod set up and pointed at us doing god-knows-what! 😉 ~C

  2. Westley and Buttercup

    The touch of light below C’s breast, on her upper thighs, and, more tantalizingly, a bit higher 🙂 make this one of your best images, I think.

    1. H and C Post author

      I’m glad you noticed those details! We thought about editing this one a bit, but saw those perfectly placed highlights and knew that we had (accidentally) captured something special. 🙂

  3. fridayam

    I love this, and the beautiful lighting, and the tension in your body thinking someone might see. I’m looking forward to seeing Backdoor Lover 😉 x

    1. H and C Post author

      Much appreciated! We’re still working on ideas for the Backdoor version… 😉

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