
Heat Wave


The heat has been stifling and oppressive, here at my parents’ house, with highs approaching 100 degrees every day since I arrived last Friday. I watch the weather channels, in hopes of seeing some relief on the horizon, but there appears to be precious little change in the forecast. Perhaps I will have to lock myself in my room and direct a fan at my nether regions, as seen here…? ~C

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16 thoughts on “Heat Wave

    1. H and C Post author

      lol, thank you! Holden has a B.A. in English, so he is constantly editing! 😉

        1. H and C Post author

          We always try to put our very best on display here, in both images and words. 😉

    2. Tinkerbell

      Love this one ♡

      I must tell you that I noticed the correct grammar too 😉

      Love from the (naughty) English teacher

  1. Peter

    I am the sigh of passion
    caressing your beautiful curve
    during your cooling down session
    for that’s what you deserve

    1. fridayam

      p.s. I have another poem with an image of yours in the works, but eye operation today has it on hold: I was a patient, so may I ask you to be too? 😉 x

      1. H and C Post author

        Oh, of course! You can’t rush the creative process. 😉 Hope you’re feeling well soon! ~C

  2. Marc

    I hope the temperatures are cooler and everything else is going well.

    If there is no break in the heat, you might have to stand in front of the refrigerator.

    You look hot.

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, I’m sure my parents would grump at me for leaving the refrigerator open…they used to, when I was four years old! 😉 Thanks for the kind words! ~C

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