
Kept in the Dark


The raw image of this photo is exactly the kind that, in the past, we have been prone to over-edit. And even today, we were tempted to play with the exposure and contrast to see how it might change the details. But in the end, we only flipped it to black-and-white and ‘Shopped out those annoying little white dots that tend to show up in most inconvenient places. We are very happy with it! (Open in a new tab for the full-sized version.)

Click the lips below to see who else is up to something sexy this week…

Sinful Sunday

38 thoughts on “Kept in the Dark

  1. Jo

    Wow – this is absolutely glorious – one of my favorite images of yours ever. The way Holden’s cock is pointed directly at your arched back is so fucking hot I can’t even stand it. Great photo!!!

    1. H and C Post author

      We are so glad you liked it! It was Holden’s favorite of the bunch that we shot, and we knew we’d have to keep in our pocket for a Sinful Sunday. 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      lol, that’s exactly the kind of inspiration we are thrilled to provide! 🙂 ~C

  2. Molly

    I know what you mean about processing. I will often do two versions one that is pretty much out of the camera and the other I will play with. Sometimes I get to two final images I love and sometimes not. I think you picked the right option with this one though, the dark shadows and the silhouettes are bang on and I love how we can clearly see how hard Holden is. Just so damn hot


    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much, Molly! We may have to appropriate that idea of editing one and leaving another one alone, to see what we like best (or if we like them both.) We were happy to publish this one without much fiddling.

    1. H and C Post author

      Much appreciated! We didn’t know how we looked until afterward, but we wouldn’t have changed a thing!

  3. SassyCat

    Love this black & white. I love looking at your silhouettes. You photos are always so perfect looking, I cant tell if you “over-edit” however I can relate to that, because I’m guilty of it. Keep up the great photos 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      We will do our best to keep up with you and the rest of the sexy contributors to Sinful Sunday! 😉 ~C

  4. Marc

    The light shows off your curves and t her arch of your back.

    Holden is definitely involved and he is becoming very aroused.

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, he was ready to go, definitely! I had to resist the urge to slide backward just a little bit… 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      With so little light in the room, a color edit wouldn’t have mattered much. Just a red bedsheet. Thank you! 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      Nowhere else I’d rather be! Well, maybe a couple of feet to the right. 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks very much! The photo pretty much sums up everything we want this blog to be! 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much! We were super-excited with the result, when we were finally able to check the camera. It seemed a bit too dark, but the large version has plenty of the details we were imagining. 😉

  5. mariasibylla

    I love your photos so much that I always appreciate when you share little bits of your process. It’s hard to not edit too much. I think this image is just perfect, truly, truly stunning. The composition is amazing and every time I look I see a new detail. (Also, it’s hot as hell).

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, Maria! We are amazed at our editing restraint on this one. 😉 Very happy that you liked it! ~C

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