Building a blanket fort, in an futile attempt to shield myself from Monday and her savagery. It didn’t work, but at least the work day wasn’t too bad. Hope y’all were treated well today!
[Chattanooga, 2015.]
Building a blanket fort, in an futile attempt to shield myself from Monday and her savagery. It didn’t work, but at least the work day wasn’t too bad. Hope y’all were treated well today!
[Chattanooga, 2015.]
Amazing shot H. Of course, the subject helps a ton!
Yes, he says the same, as difficult as it is for me to accept…
ditto ^^^^
I love how the sheets gently filter the light just enough to accentuate Camille’s figure. And, BTW..nice tits! Lol
LOL! I was so hoping you’d chime in with that comment!
Long time viewer. First time commenter.
What a beautiful shot! The softness of the sheet and cascading shadows accenting that perfect pose…and that sexy silhouette of the left nipple (that’s the cherry on top for me).
Great pic!
Thank you for your thoughts, and we are both very glad you decided to comment! ~C
Simply gorgeous! Everything about this photo is so, so beautiful!!!
Xxx – K
You’re so sweet to pay us such lovely compliments! Your pictures are so creative and playful, and we hope to convey half as much joy for life as you display!
I am now
I’m sorry you had to hide from Monday but can I come and hide with you? Wonderful photo
My goal is to create a clothing-optional blanket fort that accommodates dozens!
Your blanket fort should meet my duvet day, lovely.
Seriously sexy and beautiful shot…
Yes! We thought this image looked quite similar to ideas found in your marvelous photos!
Wish I looked this good on a Monday night!
You can visit my blanket fort!
Would dearly love to see a sight like this in a blanket fort… may have to build one and pray.
Yes, build one! It would be like the sexiest trap. Not sure what to use as bait, though.
Just discovered this photo. Love the light and you look stunning to say the least.
Hope your Monday went well.
Thank you very kindly! It has been one of our favorites ever since it was first posted.