
To Be Jolly


Given the season, we suspect we won’t be the only Sinful Sunday participants using Christmas lights for the “Artificial Light” December prompt. But hopefully this image is worthy to share the stage with the others! At the time this post is published, we will be decorating for Christmas, and also planning and shooting our 2016 naughty holiday photo series. This one is from way back in December of 2013, and previously unpublished.

Check out others who are seeing things in a new light this week by clicking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

54 thoughts on “To Be Jolly

  1. Krystal Minx

    Awesome Pic!! We definitely thought about xmas lights, but decided to save that for later in the month…still composing that one in our minds.

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, sexy lady! If we may be so bold to suggest checking out our “holiday” tag over there on the right, if you’d like some ideas. (We are certain you’ve already visited with the “audrey and dutch” tag…) ~C

      1. Krystal Minx

        Thanks for the tip, sometimes I think the possibilities for holidays are endless. Guess we will just have to take MORE pics 🙂

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you! This is one of the last ones we posted, so we had a lot of pent up energy we needed to release. 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      Why, thank you! It was an inspired idea, and some of our best photography was done that night. ~C

  2. jerusalemmortimer

    Amazing! Seasonal! Beautiful! And, of course, hot!

    Cunning use of artificial light. Great photo!

    1. H and C Post author

      That means a lot, thanks! Sometimes we forgot to click the camera remote, so we probably missed a few good shots. 😉

    1. H and C Post author

      I got very lucky with the placement of those little fairy lights. One of them landed just right! 😉 ~C

  3. Jo

    You sure make me want to celebrate. The two of you look gorgeous wrapped up in lights – better than any tree I’ve ever seen! Also, agreeing with Perversanity – your nipple looks amazing in this!

    1. H and C Post author

      Thank you, dear Jo! We had such a good time with these, and we were so happy with the results! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Very kind of you! Back in 2013, we would occasionally stumble into something that resembled proficiency! 😉 ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      We have done Christmas lights for four straight years, and every year we say that we’re going to avoid them for THIS year’s holiday shots. But they always seem to inspire us to shoot another. 🙂 ~C

  4. Molly

    When I set the prompt I did think it would fall at a perfect time of year as we all bring out the Christmas lights. They do make for the perfect light as your beautiful image shows.


    1. H and C Post author

      The Christmas light idea was our first thought, but we wish we’d had an opportunity to create a fresh one for Sinful Sunday. Alas, the lack of privacy conspired against us and we didn’t get to shoot in time… ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      You will promise to feed us and provide coffee and wine, when needed, right? 😉 Thank you, for the kind words, lovely! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      You’re welcome! We are careful about what we reveal here but, yes, we do have more than our share of fun! ~C

  5. sub-Bee

    Christmas lights do make a perfect image don’t they? Sadly last time we tried it I ended up covered in burns from the lights so I’m a little wary of them now!

    1. H and C Post author

      Oh, yikes! As much as we regret the passing of the traditional bulb-style Christmas lights, the new LED models (while less vibrant and dramatic) do glow at a much cooler temperature! ~C

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much! We were so excited when we stopped shooting and looked at the results of these! ~C

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