From A is for Attentive (February 6, 2016)
The one that started it all — Our very first post for Sinful Sunday! Molly’s community welcomed us immediately and enthusiastically, and we continue to be bolstered by its support and inspired by the gorgeous images we see displayed every weekend. In the comments section on the original post, I mentioned that this was the first photo shoot we conducted after I bought a new curling iron, and I was dying to see how it would turn out. Well, you can’t get a much more elaborate presentation than this! Of course, there are many other little details that make this one of our favorites, and we are both thrilled to have it receive 2016’s bronze medal. ~C
I can see why. Very erotic and sensual.
We were blessed with a number of fortuitous circumstances for this one. Thank you! ~C
In this pic, Holden is the envy of men everywhere… and I’ll bet quite a few women too
How sweet of you, Kerri! I am humbled, truly. ~C
Kerri… truer words were never spoken.
Y’all are too kind.
I love what the curling iron did to your hair…and what you’re doing to H’s too…HOT!
Thanks very much! This one has some nice touches, with the hand placements.
Totally Hot!
Much appreciated! ~C
This is definitely one of my favorites
Happy to hear from you! It’s one of mine, too.
Very tasteful indeed!
I certainly hope so! ~C
Kerri is, as ever, on the money
And i do love the flow of your hair, Medusa-like–good job you are covering your eyes! x
I had to cover my eyes — I couldn’t have Holden turning to stone until the foreplay was over!
This is the first time I have seen this as a later developer! What a wonderful shot and the feeling of pleasure is quite easy to imagine and enjoy
Thank you, lovely! It was a lot of fun to shoot, especially for me.