From Hotel Sex (April 23, 2016)
This one was well appreciated, and shared quite a bit, by the Sinful Sunday community, so we knew we had posted something that would continue to draw a fair amount of attention. But what really ignited its rise to the top of the 2016 list was an odd quirk in search engine analytics. Beginning in the summer, a Google image search for the generic term “hotel sex” placed this photo consistently in the top twenty results (it appeared 14th, as of ten minutes ago). So as the old saying goes, this one has legs…among its other physical attributes! ~C
Oh, I remember this one… I just loved the wallpaper. Now, I have to go Google ‘hotel sex’.
That hotel room had an interesting color scheme — It makes the photo look sepia-tinted, even though we barely touched the raw image at all. Happy Googling! ~C
Looking this pictures get me in the mood of travelling!.Looking forward to the next hotel :-).
We are looking forward to our next hotel adventure, as well! No idea when that’s going to take place, exactly, but I have a feeling it will be productive! ~C
so sexy ~ great shot
Thanks! Thank goodness for the horizontal adjust option, so we could get this one straightened out! ~C
I loved this one and enjoyed the fact that I like many other readers went and googled “hotel sex”
They must have, since the photo is now showing up 10th on Google images!
Glad you liked it, dear! ~C
That hiney
You almost made me choke on my cocktail!
I got VERY lucky with the angle and the pose for this one. ~C
I’m afraid I was a late convert to tags (I blame my age) but using them sure does improve readership! This was a favourite of mine too
If we had it to do all over again, we would have created a whole cluster of different tags, but there’s no way we could go back through 1,600+ posts to change things. Oh, well…