
Waiting Room

Happy weekend, y’all! Here’s another outtake from the same cabin as last week’s post. Publishing color photos from there was a challenge, since the entire place had light pine walls and floors, and every image we shot had a weird orange tint to it. So we had to get creative with filters and exposure/contrast adjustments. But I really like my pose here, as I waited for Holden to set up the tripod for some of the XXX pictures we had in mind. 🙂 ~C

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10 thoughts on “Waiting Room

  1. fridayam

    “Oh Rose-Red tittie, half as old as time”….hang on, have I got that quote right? 😉 The colours lend themselves to the mood and are lovely 🙂 x

    1. H and C Post author

      I’m not familiar with that one and, for once, Google was no help. 🙂 But I’m glad you liked the photo! ~C

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