Good evening, and happy Saturday! Here’s another replica attempt, based on a beautiful professional shot that Holden showed me. I’m a big fan of tight crops like these, and playing with the depth of field, but I just couldn’t quite pull off the raised heels as well as the model in the original photo. I told H that she must’ve had something stiffer to press down against than the squishy mattress topper on this bed. He smiled and said it was perfect, and that was good enough for me. Hope y’all are as pleased with it as we are!
We had a little excitement on Thursday night, when the remnants of Helene rolled through our area, but we were fortunate to dodge any major trouble. We’d hauled a mattress downstairs to the basement/bonus room and slept down there, just in case, but all our trees remained upright. Thanks to all who reached out to check on us! ~C
Glad to hear all is well
Thank you! We got VERY lucky.
Super photo.
Glad y’all got through the storm with out any damage.
Thanks so much! We made a hefty donation to disaster relief, once our heart rates had returned to normal.