
Turn the Page

Well, guys, we’ve made it to the conclusion of a crazy eventful year around these parts, and 2025 holds even more massive changes yet to come. We’d like to thank those of you who have continued to check in with us every week, and especially the amazing loyalists who drop us Likes and encouraging words. We appreciate your support and your kindness! And we may even have a big announcement to make soon that doesn’t have anything to do with moving to Texas, or home renovations, or any of those things that have kept us so preoccupied this year. A last hurrah, if you will, before putting our current situation in the rear view mirror. Stay tuned!

On our “face down, ass up” post from last month, I could have sworn I’d teased that there were more photos to come from that session. But looking back on it, apparently I did not. So, surprise! Just a couple more shots of white sheets, blonde hair, and some glorious afternoon sunshine through the blinds.

Hope you all enjoy a safe and happy New Year’s celebration! Take care of yourselves! ~H+C

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8 thoughts on “Turn the Page

    1. H and C Post author

      Thanks so much! And would you believe that Holden got me ANOTHER new wig for Christmas this year? Can’t wait to show it off! 😉 ~C

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