So, how’s THIS for a unique photo setting for us?! We only wish we’d gone outside just a little bit sooner, so that we could have used a different angle for these shots, with a more aesthetically pleasing background. Alas, however, by the time we were ready, the neighbor’s children were outside and using makeshift sleds to slide down their driveway. We had to stay tucked closed to the back corner of our house, in the interest of preserving the innocence of small kids. But who knows? Our long-range forecast is calling for at least two more chances for snow and/or ice, so maybe we’ll get another chance.
There are at least a few of you — and thank you for your endurance! — who will recall the infamous White Bodystocking Debacle of 2016. As you may have guessed, the one pictured here is brand new, and is one of my Christmas gifts from Holden. He was loathe to repeat the debacle, so this time he spent about twice as much and opted for European craftsmanship over Southeast Asian. It’s a beautiful piece, and we are excited to show some different angles of it soon!
And, finally, the big announcement: The location has been booked, and fancy new duds have been ordered, because we have scheduled an early February photo session with a brand new special guest star! Both of us were interested in finding one more sexy collaborator, before our move to Texas, and we really lucked out when this lovely young lady agreed to play along with us. Still more prep to do, since Holden needs to translate the images in his head to specific instructions for us models, but we expect this shoot to be one of our best ever! More to come… ~C
Like the white.
Me too! Isn’t the snow gorgeous?
That looks like wet snow?……the mesh is soooo sexy

“The Voos from Mexico”? Yes, very wet snow, and beautiful! Thank you!
We’ve relocated to warmer climes. From minus 30 to plus 30…..it’s a bit of a shock to the body but we’ll suffer through it..hahaha
That’s great news! Congratulations! Hope there’s good golf and diving nearby!
Absolutely gorgeous photos … loving the backdrop (even if wasn’t your preferred angle) … and your outfit is stunning!!!
So looking forward your collaboration … your photos are always so stylish and sexy … can’t wait!!!
Xxx – K
Thank you so much! We’re both so excited about the upcoming shoot, and I am loving the new outfits I bought for it, too!
Love that body stocking. And amazing photos!
Thanks, y’all! Gotta couple more new things to show off, too…